Current Globalising Movement
The current globalising moment has seen the boom of neo-liberal global capitalism, of Anglophone literature and a revival of “world literature” as comparative literature for the global age. Ironically, “world literature” and Anglophone and Francophone literatures have successfully questioned the hegemony of national literatures and of English and French literatures more narrowly defined, but at the same time have tended to make invisible literatures in other languages and from other parts of the world. Festivals provide mini-stagings of the world, while internet magazines and sites, as well as small publishers, seek to circumvent the stranglehold of the Anglophone on global publishing.
What’s in a Name? On Afghanistan’s Fraught Persian Language Politics
Ronah Baha discusses the politics of the BBC's decision to name their BBC Afghanistan page 'BBC Dari', focusing on the rich diversity of Persian literary and civilisational linguistic histories.
Writing Rumi in Whitman’s Image: On Coleman Barks, and the Appropriation of Rumi’s Poetry
Barks looks to create a rendition of Rumi that is intelligible to him. This endeavor manifests as a form of Orientalism, however subtle: it is Barks’ project to create Rumi and Rumi's poetry in his own image.
Football and Migrant crises: Fatou Diome’s Le Ventre de l’Atlantique
Published in 2003, Fatou Diome’s début novel Le Ventre de l’Atlantique (The Belly of the Atlantic) followed a defining moment in modern Franco-Senegalese history: the 2002 Fifa World Cup.
MULOSIGE Syllabus: ‘Reading together’ Literary Texts in Multilingual Contexts
This course attempts to break down common reading practices from three multilingual contexts: Morocco, North India and the Horn of Africa.
Beyond conflicts, crises and catastrophes: Afro-Pessimism in Western Media
Rachel Tabea Bossmeyer criticizes the afro-pessimism of mainstream Western Media and its ties to colonial literary productions.
What’s in a Meme?: Literature, Representation, and Renegotiation.
Jenny Carla Moran is a Postcolonial studies MA student