
Alice Guthrie

By |2024-05-08T14:56:43+01:00July 28th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Alice Guthrie is an independent translator, editor, and curator specialising in contemporary Arabic writing. Widely published since 2008, her work has often focused on subaltern voices, activist art and queerness (winning her the Jules Chametzky Translation Prize 2019 for Gazan writer Atef Abu Saif's 'The Lottery'). Her bilingual editorial and research work has been part

Lhoussain Simour

By |2021-03-24T14:23:29+01:00March 24th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Lhoussain Simour Lhoussain Simour is an Associate Professor of English and Cultural Studies at Hassan II University of Casablanca (Morocco). He is also Senior Research Associate at the University of Gibraltar (UK). His research interests include cultural studies, colonial discourse analysis, postcolonial Moroccan literature, Moroccan cinema, cultural festivals, travel literature, performance studies, popular music

Mohammad Sabbagh, Aḥlām al-arḍ: Dreams of the Earth

By |2021-03-16T13:20:44+01:00March 16th, 2021|Categories: Translations, Uncategorized|

Jack Clift is a doctoral researcher and translator affiliated with the Multilingual Locals, Significant Geographies (MULOSIGE) project. Mohammad Sabbagh, Aḥlām al-arḍ (Dreams of the Earth)  Before the time is ripe…  Dreams of the Earth [1] Spiders spread from within themselves masticated, mouldering threads and gather them on piles of rocky dust. Moss-covered

Gibran Khalil Gibran & Mikhail Naimy: Contemporary Arabic Poetry (an anthology)

By |2021-03-16T12:58:21+01:00March 11th, 2021|Categories: Translations, Uncategorized|

Jack Clift is a doctoral researcher and translator affiliated with the Multilingual Locals, Significant Geographies (MULOSIGE) project. Gibran Khalil Gibran & Mikhail Naimy: Contemporary Arabic Poetry (an anthology) Today we introduce an anthology of great contemporary Arab poets, which in future will occupy our central pages with translations by Leonor Martínez Martín.

Jack Clift

By |2021-03-17T16:04:32+01:00March 11th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Jack Clift is a doctoral researcher affiliated with the Multilingual Locals, Significant Geographies (MULOSIGE) project. Jack Clift is a doctoral researcher affiliated with the Multilingual Locals, Significant Geographies (MULOSIGE) project. Jack Clift is a doctoral researcher affiliated with the Multilingual Locals, Significant Geographies (MULOSIGE) project. He recently completed his doctoral

Hādhā al-ʿadad

By |2021-02-05T13:37:46+01:00February 5th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

This essay Hādhā al-ʿadad was written ʿAlī ʿUqlah ʿUrsān (Ali Ukla Ursan). You can read the original essay here. Simon Leese translated this essay into English for MULOSIGE.

Glimpses into Modern Indian Literature

By |2021-02-08T17:49:42+01:00February 5th, 2021|Categories: Journals, Maghreb, Maghreb Reading, North India, North India Readings, Translations, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Simon Leese translates Lamaḥāt min al-adab al-Hindī al-ḥadīth by Muhammad Fikri (al-Thaqāfah 43, 12th May 1964: 25-27). The original essay can be found at the Alsharekh.org archive. Glimpses into Modern Indian Literature Written by Muhammad Fikri, translated by Simon Leese. Image from Unsplash. The first thing

Simon Leese

By |2021-02-05T10:53:58+01:00February 5th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Simon Leese is a postdoctoral researcher at Utrecht University on the ERC-funded SENSIS project (The senses of Islam: A cultural history of perception in the Muslim world). His PhD research (‘Longing for Salmá and Hind: (Re)producing Arabic Literature in 18th- and 19th-Century North India’, SOAS, 2019) focused on the connections that poetry has forged between the Middle East and South Asia, and how the meanings of Arabic poetry in India have been inflected by multilingualism and imaginations of geography. His research interests also include histories of literary taste and pleasure, translation between Arabic and other languages, and poetic visuality. His ‘Arabic utterances in a multilingual world: Shah Walī Allāh and Qur’anic translatability in North India’ is forthcoming (2021) in Translation Studies.

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