This poem was translated by Professor Carlo Coppola as part of the MULOSIGE Translations project. You can explore our collection of Urdu Poetry here.

Professor Carlo Coppola, Oakland University

Mulaqāt / Meeting

 ( 1 )

This night, a tree of pain

Greater than you and I;

Greater, for in its branches

Endless entangled caravans of stars 

Carrying torches

Lost their way.

Thousands of moons 

Under its shade

Cried away their light.

This night, a tree of pain

Greater than you and I.


( 2 )


But from the tree of this night

These yellow leaves, a few moments,

Fall and, entangled in your hair,

Then turn to pink.

From night’s dew, silent moments—droplets—


Fall upon your brow,

Scattering like gems about your face.

This night is dark, but

From this darkness flushes forth

A stream of blood, my voice.


           ( 3 )


Under the tree’s shadow scatters light,

A wave of gold, your glance.

Grief, slowly smouldering in the garden of your arms

(That grief, the fruit of this night);

If it augments, enflamed from our cries, it will burst into a spark.

We pluck out arrows, pierced, broken in our hearts,

Shot from black-branch bows; with each we make an axe.

Heart-shattered people will find their morning in the ill-fated sky.

Here, where you and I now stand,

Here is their dawn’s hope, their horizon;

Here, dispersing the sparks of grief,

They become gardens of morning light;

Here, sorrow’s axes turn to fiery garlands of fine-rayed light.


Night’s gift, this sorrow,

Is now tomorrow’s faith;

Faith, a balm to sorrow

As morning is to night.


        Montgomery Jail    12 October-3 November 1953




With C. M. Naim


From: Zindān̲ nāmah (Prison Narrative). Dihlī: Kabīr Buk Ḍipo. 1955. pp. 91 – 96

Mulaqāt is quoted in full in Urdu Poetry, 1935-1970


 ( 1 )

This night, a tree of pain

Greater than you and I;

Greater, for in its branches

Endless entangled caravans of stars 

Carrying torches

Lost their way.

Thousands of moons 

Under its shade

Cried away their light.

This night, a tree of pain

Greater than you and I.


( 2 )


But from the tree of this night

These yellow leaves, a few moments,

Fall and, entangled in your hair,

Then turn to pink.

From night’s dew, silent moments—droplets—


Fall upon your brow,

Scattering like gems about your face.

This night is dark, but

From this darkness flushes forth

A stream of blood, my voice.


           ( 3 )


Under the tree’s shadow scatters light,

A wave of gold, your glance.

Grief, slowly smouldering in the garden of your arms

(That grief, the fruit of this night);

If it augments, enflamed from our cries, it will burst into a spark.

We pluck out arrows, pierced, broken in our hearts,

Shot from black-branch bows; with each we make an axe.

Heart-shattered people will find their morning in the ill-fated sky.

Here, where you and I now stand,

Here is their dawn’s hope, their horizon;

Here, dispersing the sparks of grief,

They become gardens of morning light;

Here, sorrow’s axes turn to fiery garlands of fine-rayed light.


Night’s gift, this sorrow,

Is now tomorrow’s faith;

Faith, a balm to sorrow

As morning is to night.


        Montgomery Jail    12 October-3 November 1953




With C. M. Naim


From: Zindān̲ nāmah (Prison Narrative). Dihlī: Kabīr Buk Ḍipo. 1955. pp. 91 – 96

Mulaqāt is quoted in full in Urdu Poetry, 1935-1970