Amazigh Bibliography

Aissati, Abderrahman El. “Ethnic Identity, Language Shift, and The Amazigh Voice in Morocco and Algeria.” Race, Gender & Class, vol. 8, no. 3, 2001, pp. 57–69. JSTOR,

Aït Mous, Fadma. 2011. “Les enjeux de l’amazighité au Maroc”, Confluences Méditerranée 3 (N° 78), p. 121-131. DOI : 10.3917/come.078.0121. URL : 

—-. ‘‘Le réseau associatif amazigh: émergence et diffusion’’, In Usages de l’identité amazighe au Maroc, (dir. Hassan Rachik), Casablanca : Impr. Najah el jadida, 2006. – pp. 129-161. (Prix national de l’IRCAM 2007).

Aixelà Cabré, Yolanda. 2018. “Imazighen and Arabs in the Spanish Protectorate. A Review of the Construction of the Contemporary Moroccan Nation”, in Aixelà Cabré, Yolanda (ed.), In the Footsteps of Spanish Colonialism in Morocco and Equatorial Guinea, Lit Verlag: Wien, pp. 31-70.

Becker, Cynthia. 2006. Amazigh Arts in Morocco: Women Shaping Berber Identity. Austin: University of Texas Press.

—. 1999. Introduction à la littérature berbère. 1. La poésie. Paris and Louvain: Peeters.

—. 2005. Introduction à la littérature berbère. 2. Le récit hagiologique. Paris and Louvain: Peeters.

—. 2006. “Littérature berbère contemproaine.” Encyclopédie berbère, 4435-4439. Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, pp. 28-29.

Chaker, Salem. 2012 (1986), «Amaziɣ (le/un Berbère)», Encyclopédie berbère [En ligne], 4. URL:; DOI:

Demnati, Meriem. 2013. المرأة الأمازيغية والظلم المزدوج (English trans.: “The Amazigh woman and the double-edged injustice.”) March 8th, 2013. Web:

El Guabli, Brahim. 2020. “(Re)Invention of Tradition, Subversive Memory, and Morocco’s Re-Amazighization: From Erasure of Imazighen to the Performance of Tifinagh in Public Life,” in Expressions maghrébines (Project Muse) Volume: 19, Issue 1, ISSN: 1540-0085 Online ISSN: 2475-2401

Farès, Nabil. 1987. “Civilisation berbère et langue française au Maghreb.” Revue de l’Occident Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 2(44): 92-96. 

González Vázquez, Araceli. 2018. “Ghomara and Snhaja de Sraïr: Berbers at the Margins of History, or Berbers at the Margins of the Berbers? Colonial and Post-Colonial Discourse and Micropolitics,” in Aixelà Cabré, Yolanda (ed.), In the Footsteps of Spanish Colonialism in Morocco and Equatorial Guinea, Lit Verlag: Wien, pp. 129-155.

Goodman, Jane E. 2005. Berber Culture on the World Stage: From Village to Video, Indiana University Press.

Kadri, Aïssa (ed.). 1999. Parcours d’intellectuels maghrébins: scolarité, formation, socialization et positionnements. Paris: Karthala.

Kohl, Ines. 2014. “Libya’s ‘Major Minorities’. Berber, Tuareg and Tebu: Multiple Narratives of Citizenship, Language and Border Control, Middle East Critique”, Middle East Critique 23:4, 423-438, DOI: 10.1080/19436149.2014.970384 

Maddy-Weitzman, Bruce. 2011. The Berber Identity Movement and the Challenge to North African States. Austin: University of Texas Press.

—. 2017. “Insécurité à la périphérie: les griefs socio-économiques et le mouvement amazigh au Maroc.” In Mohand Tilmatine and Thierry Desrues (eds.) Les revendications amazighes dans la tourmente des ‘printemps arabes’. Rabat: Centre Jacques-Berque, pp. 195-213.

Merolla, Daniela. 2020. “Amazigh/Berber Literature and ‘Literary Space’”, in Routledge Handbook of Minority Discourses in African Literature, Routledge. 

Merolla, Daniela and Turin, Mark (eds.). 2017. Searching for Sharing: Heritage and Multimedia in Africa. Open Book Publishers (Cambridge University Press).

Peyron, Michael. 2018. Tradition orale et résistance amazighe dans l’Atlas marocain (1912-1936): Avec une préface de Fatima Boukrhis, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 

Sadiqi, Fatima. 1997. “The sociology of Berber: The place of Berber in Morocco”. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 123, 7-21.

—. 2003. “Women and Linguistic Space in Morocco.” Women and Language. Vol. 26 no1, The H.W. Wilson Company.

—. 2014. “Berber and Language Politics in the Moroccan Educational System”, in Moha Ennaji (ed.), Multiculturalism and Democracy in North Africa. London: Routledge.

Sadiqi, Fatima. 2016. “Emerging Amazigh Feminist Nongovernmental NGOs”, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 12(1): 122-125.

—. 2017. “The Big Absent in the Moroccan Feminist Movements: The Berber Dimension”. In North Africa Transition and Emerging Actors. Berber Movements. Anna Maria di Tolla and Ersilia Francesca (eds.), Studi Maghrebini, L’Orientale: Naples.

Salhi, Mohamed Akli and Nabila Sadi. 2016. “Le Roman Maghrebin en Berbère”. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 20(1): 27-36. 

Wolf, Anne. 2018. “Morocco’s Hirak Movement and Legacies of Contention in the Rif.” The Journal of North African Studies, 1-6. DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2018.1538188

Yacine, Tassadit. 1992. Les Kabyles. Éléments pour la compréhension de l’identité berbère en Algérie, Paris: GDM.

—. 2010. “Linguistic and Identity Conflicts: Berberism”, Quaderns de la Mediterrània 14, pp. 105-112.