This poem was translated by Professor Carlo Coppola as part of the MULOSIGE Translations project. You can explore our collection of Urdu Poetry here.

Professor Carlo Coppola, Oakland University

Ek nag̲h̲mah karbalā-i bairūt ke liye / A Threnody for the Karbala of Beirut

Beirut—Portrait of the feast of the world 

Beirut—Heart of the garden of Paradise 

Those shattered mirrors once

The laughing eyes of children 

Are now the twinkling of stars

The nights of this city are illuminated 

And the land of Lebanon is resplendent

Beirut—Portrait of the feast of the world

Whose face is decorated with blood 

Ravishing beyond beauty

Now this city’s lanes

Are lit with their dazzling splendour

And the land of Lebanon is luminous

Every desolate house, every single ruin 

Is more magnificent than Darius’ palace 

Every fighter more valiant than Alexander 

Every daughter is Laila’s equal in beauty

This city existed from the beginning of time 

This city will exist till the end of time 

Beirut—Heart of the land of Lebanon 

Beirut—Portrait of the feast of the world 

Beirut—Heart of the garden of Paradise


      Beirut   June 1982


From: Ghubār-i ayyām (Dust of Passing Days). pp. 10 – 11


Beirut—Portrait of the feast of the world 

Beirut—Heart of the garden of Paradise 

Those shattered mirrors once

The laughing eyes of children 

Are now the twinkling of stars

The nights of this city are illuminated 

And the land of Lebanon is resplendent

Beirut—Portrait of the feast of the world

Whose face is decorated with blood 

Ravishing beyond beauty

Now this city’s lanes

Are lit with their dazzling splendour

And the land of Lebanon is luminous

Every desolate house, every single ruin 

Is more magnificent than Darius’ palace 

Every fighter more valiant than Alexander 

Every daughter is Laila’s equal in beauty

This city existed from the beginning of time 

This city will exist till the end of time 

Beirut—Heart of the land of Lebanon 

Beirut—Portrait of the feast of the world 

Beirut—Heart of the garden of Paradise


      Beirut   June 1982


From: Ghubār-i ayyām (Dust of Passing Days). pp. 10 – 11