This poem was translated by Professor Carlo Coppola as part of the MULOSIGE Translations project. You can explore our collection of Urdu Poetry here.

Professor Carlo Coppola, Oakland University

Bāʼen̲ ānkh men̲ tilvāle kī zabānī” / “Testimony of the Man with a Dark Spot in His Left Eye”

As God is my witness,

I’ll tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I don’t know anything, sir,


That a dead body was 

Lying in the room

And a man was standing near it.

He had a dark spot in his left eye,

His heart whiter than milk.

Everyone says he was the murderer!


From:  Āk̲h̲irī din kī talāsh (Search for the Last Day). Allāhābād: Shabk̲h̲ūn Kitāb G̲h̲ar, 1968. p. 75


As God is my witness,

I’ll tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I don’t know anything, sir,


That a dead body was 

Lying in the room

And a man was standing near it.

He had a dark spot in his left eye,

His heart whiter than milk.

Everyone says he was the murderer!


From:  Āk̲h̲irī din kī talāsh (Search for the Last Day). Allāhābād: Shabk̲h̲ūn Kitāb G̲h̲ar, 1968. p. 75