This poem was translated by Professor Carlo Coppola as part of the MULOSIGE Translations project. You can explore our collection of Urdu Poetry here.

Professor Carlo Coppola, Oakland University

Manẓar / Scene

Streets, shadows, trees, houses, the edge of the roof

Whereon the breasts of the moon opened softly

As if someone quietly unfastened her dress;

Beneath the roofs, stagnant indigo shadows,

A lake of indigo

Where a leaf—bubble-like—floated slowly

For a moment, turned, then burst softly;

Quietly-lightly, the cold colour of wine

Poured down into my glass slowly,

Wine glass, goblet, flask, the roses of your hands

As if an impression of some dream

Took form in the distance, then vanished softly.


For the heart, a word of love, slowly,

You said: “Softly.”

Bending over, the moon whispered:

“Slowly-slower still.”


            Moscow   1964


From: Dast-i tah-yi sang (Hand Beneath the Stone). Dihlī: ʻAlīgaṛh: Ejūkeshanal Buk Hāʼūs, 1979.  pp. 75 – 76

Manẓaris quoted in full in Urdu Poetry, 1935-1970


Streets, shadows, trees, houses, the edge of the roof

Whereon the breasts of the moon opened softly

As if someone quietly unfastened her dress;

Beneath the roofs, stagnant indigo shadows,

A lake of indigo

Where a leaf—bubble-like—floated slowly

For a moment, turned, then burst softly;

Quietly-lightly, the cold colour of wine

Poured down into my glass slowly,

Wine glass, goblet, flask, the roses of your hands

As if an impression of some dream

Took form in the distance, then vanished softly.


For the heart, a word of love, slowly,

You said: “Softly.”

Bending over, the moon whispered:

“Slowly-slower still.”


            Moscow   1964


From: Dast-i tah-yi sang (Hand Beneath the Stone). Dihlī: ʻAlīgaṛh: Ejūkeshanal Buk Hāʼūs, 1979.  pp. 75 – 76

Manẓaris quoted in full in Urdu Poetry, 1935-1970